SECTION S-S Top Fuel & Alcohol PISTONS
5.33 .210 2.46 .097 4.45 .175
R1.225 If you are using pistons in a Top Fuel, A-Fuel, Blown Alcohol or Pro Mod applications, you may be under the impression that all pistons from the many manufactures are virtually the same. This is no longer the case, Thanks to CP-Carrillo! 1.055 1.160 1.335 Z
U When CP-Carrillo entered these markets we were asked to make parts that were similar to “what is working”. Our initial forgings included some updates, modifications and improvements, but with each revision, we made them better. The basic piston structure still looked similar to everyone else’s, but we had big plans for the future. Many racing segments like Formula-1, NASCAR, Pro Stock and high-end Road Racing have been using pistons with an “inboard pin boss” configuration regularly and with great success. OEM manufactures also now use this design in vehicles. Those that founded H
U H conjunction with a CP-Carrillo Aluminum connecting rod that can be manufactured with a Tapered Pin End. This allows the piston and wristpin to have the largest contact in the highest stress areas. We call this forging the CP-Carrillo TA-X. Every goal we set for this design was met and exceeded. We ended up with a lighter, better sealing, stronger piston that is still very affordable to the average racer. I 3.18 .125 90° 32 R1.260 A unique and worthwhile design feature that we can incorporate into this new piston is a Tapered Pin Boss, which is used in
I CP-Carrillo were an integral part of this movement and to this day offer inboard pin boss versions for many racing segments for those wishing to utilize its advantages. Because an inboard pin boss forging is more complex to forge and machine, the final product using this forging consumes more resources, and necessarily has a higher price than a conventional round style. CP analyzed all the factors and determined that a superior product, with a better ring seal, stronger C B EXHAUST R0.830
5.09 .200
15.39 .606 20.17 .794 u Designed for maximum stability in the bore u Optimized clearances and skirt shapes for minimizing scuffing u Special ring groove tooling to reduce pinching rings u Rigorous R&D and improvements u Safety margin verification on all designs utilizing solid modeling and analysis u Verified reduction in skirts collapsing u Pin bore enhancements to reduce ovalization and distortion u Tapered bin boss in conjunction with tapered rod for greater durability and strength u 3D milling on the tops and undersides of pistons to reduce weight where safe 33.02 R1.300 33.34 R1.313 67.69 33.85 1.333 .090 ±.010 1.400 ±.010 .450 REF .962 .937 .100 ±.010 32 32 .003 A .006 P.D. A A 11.81 .465 A E E Important benefits of CP-Carrillo Pistons, both conventional and inboard Pin Boss; 6.86 .270 If you run a Top Fuel, A-Fuel or Pro Mod engine, we have good news for you. We have applied these same principles to your pistons, and the results are just as impressive. CP-Carrillo now offers the TF-X, AF-X and PM-X forgings for these types of applications. 33.02 R1.300 3.99 R.157 13.72 .540 8.13 .320
.439 .430
.492 MIN
21.59±0.025 10.80 .425 crowns and skirts, and more durable pin bores could be made for Top Fuel, A-Fuel, Blown Alcohol and Pro Mod applications using this design. There would be a slight increase in cost, but it would be offset many times over by all the benefits. After completing research and design changes using Solidworks and FEA, we produced prototype parts and re-designed them each time after being run back-to-back in testing. Forgings were made and we began selling pistons for Blown Alcohol applications made with an inboard pin boss configuration. .850±.001 A C C 0.156 SECTION H-H
.355 ±.005
.430 ±.010
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